Everbuild 700TWE Everflex Contract 700T LMN Silicone 300ml (White)\r\nEverbuild 700TWE Everflex Contract 700T LMN Silicone is a high-quality sealant commonly used in construction and DIY projects. It is a low modulus neutral-curing silicone that provides excellent adhesion and flexibility, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. This specific variant comes in a 300ml cartridge, and its white color makes it versatile for various sealing and bonding tasks. It offers durability, weather resistance, and is compatible with most building materials, making it a popular choice for professionals and enthusiasts alike.\r\n700TWE Application:\r\n\r\nPerimeter pointing internally and externally aroundPVCu /wood and all other window frames.\r\nSealing and as an adhesive onto PVCu, plastic trimsand components.\r\nSuitable as an expansion joint sealant.\r\nWeather sealing and joint sealing to pre-formed panels.\r\nSealing soft metals such as lead, copper and zinc.\r\nGeneral draught proofing.\r\nParapet and roof weather sealing applications\r\n\r\n700TWE Features:\r\n\r\nExcellent adhesion – adheres to most common surfaces including glass, metals, plastics and wood.\r\nLow dirt pick up – important in PVCu work.\r\nGood external weathering properties.\r\nSuitable for use on polycarbonate\r\n\r\n700TWE Specification:\r\n\r\nChemical Base: Neutral cure silicone\r\nPackaging: 300 ml Cartridges\r\nShelf Life: From date of manufacture: Trans 18 months, Colours 12 Months\r\nStorage Conditions: Store in original unopened containers between +5 C and +25 C\r\nColour: White\r\nDensity Colours ca.: 1.35 g/cm3\r\nTranslucent ca.: 1.0 g/cm3\r\nShore A Hardness: 20 to 30\r\nModulus of Elasticity in Compression: 0.4 MPa\r\nSecant Tensile Modulus: 0.4 MPa at 23 C (ISO8339)\r\nElongation at break: 200 % (ISO8339 @ 23 C)\r\nMovement Capability: 25 % (ISO9047)\r\nShrinkage: 10 % (ISO10563)\r\nService Temperature: -50 C to +120 C\r\nYield: 10.5 Linear metres for a 6 mm diameter bead.\r\nSagging: 3 mm (ISO7390)\r\nAmbient Air Temperature: +5 C to +40 C\r\nCuring Rate: 1 mm per 24 hours\r\nSkin Time: 5 – 25 minutes.\r\n\r\nWhat is included:\r\n\r\n1x700TWE Everflex Contract 700T LMN Silicone 300ml (White)
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