Sealey WS25KG Walnut Shell Blast Media – Size 16/30 – 25kg BagA widely used and cost-effective media created from ground walnut shells. Non-toxic, environmentally safe and biodegradable. Size 16/30. Suitable for blasting and cleaning in a wide variety of environments. Ideal for cleaning wood, metal, fibreglass and stonework. A good alternative to soda media particularly where high dust levels are not acceptable. \n\nWS25KG Features:WALNUT SHELLS – A widely used and cost-effective media created from ground walnut shells. \nORGANIC – Non-toxic, environmentally safe and biodegradable.\nBLASTING MEDIA Size 16/30. Suitable for blasting and cleaning in a wide variety of environments.\nVERSATILE Ideal for cleaning wood, metal, fibreglass and stonework.\nLOW DUST LEVEL A good alternative to soda media particularly where high dust levels are not acceptable. \nWhat is included:1x Sealey WS25KG Walnut Shell Blast Media – Size 16/30 – 25kg Bag
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