Armorgard DR2 DuctRack Mobile Rack for Ducting The Armorgard DR2 DuctRack is designed to for storage, movement and protection of ducting and pipework. Certified to carryaweight load of 1 tonne, storing yourductingoff the floor, making it readily accessible just became a whole lot easier.Featuring centrally fixed wheelsthat enableit to turnwithin its own footprint, andhandles on each corner, whether you are operating with colleagues or on your own,theDuctRackmakes lightwork of moving large loads around site. The DR2 DuctRackis thefirstinour range to feature theSafeStopdeadmanbrakingsystem.Thismanual handlinginnovation has been designed with user safety first.Activated with the simple lift and release of any ofthe 4 handles, itdelivers safe manoeuvrability at all times. Built-incoverscomply with industry standards,protectingtheuser from sharp edges and helpingtopreventdust ingress. DR2 Features: A robust rack for safely storing and transporting long loads of pipe or ductwork. Built in cover for the ducting to protect workers from sharp edges and reduce dust ingress. Featuring the Armorgard SafeStop, the deadman braking system for ultimate user safety when moving the rack. Ergonomic braking system for optimal usability from any of the 4 corners. Fold down and stack the unit for space saving efficiencies when not in use. 2 centrally located wheels with 4 corner swivel wheels for ultimate stability and manoeuvrability. Heavy duty box section frame and powder coating for maximum durability. Centrally located wheels allows for a minimal turning circle. Built in forklift pockets for added flexibility. Available in two sizes. Mesh base to carry smaller or loose items. Optional extra shelf and side kits for improved organisation, storage and safety Patent pending design. Certified to carry up to 1000kg. DR2 Specifications: External Dimensions (WxDxH, mm): Folded Down: 1830x1150x670 Internal Dimensions (WxDxH, mm): Upright: 1715x935x1820 Weight (KG): 158 What is Included: 1x ArmorgardDR2 DuctRack Mobile Rack for Ducting * Please note that all Armorgard products can only be delivered curbside due to the large size and weight. Delivery arrangements will be made after the order is confirmed. Please be aware that these products require a forklift for unloading, if you do not have access to one and you require assistance unloading, additional fees may be applied.
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