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CT1 PGB Power Grab n Bond TRIBRID Technology Adhesive 290ml (3 Pack)\r\nCT1 PGB Power Grab n Bond is a revolutionary adhesive designed for heavy-duty, versatile bonding applications. Utilizing unique TRIBRID polymer Technology based on the CT1 formulation, it offers greater density for phenomenal initial grab results and rapid curing that can reduce labor time by at least 50%. Ideal for faade bonding, this adhesive eliminates the need for additional fixings and can adhere to a wide range of materials, including stone, granite, ytong, marble, concrete, wood, MDF, fiberglass, all metals (including alloys), glass, polystyrene, mirrors, and most plastics (except PP, PE, and PTFE). Its exceptional bonding capabilities make it perfect for combining materials like wood to concrete or stainless steel to stone, overcoming the disadvantages of conventional epoxy methods.\r\nCT1 PGB Features:\r\n\r\nRevolutionary heavy-duty versatile bonding\r\nUtilizes unique TRIBRID polymer Technology based on CT1 formulation\r\nGreater density for phenomenal initial grab results\r\nRapid curing reduces labor time by at least 50% in most applications\r\nNo need for additional fixings; ideal for faade bonding\r\nCapable of adhering to a wide range of materials:\r\n\r\nStoneGraniteYtongMarbleConcreteWoodMDFFiberglassAll metals (including alloys)GlassPolystyreneMirrors\r\n\r\nMost plastics (except PP, PE, and PTFE)\r\nExceptional bonding of combined materials like wood to concrete or stainless steel to stone\r\nOvercomes disadvantages of conventional epoxy methods\r\n\r\nCT1 PGB Specification:\r\n\r\nSize: 290ml\r\nFast-acting, with full cure between 24 and 72 hours\r\nHigh strength and rapid curing can reduce labour time by at least 50%\r\nPerfect for heavy-duty vertical bonding\r\nInitial strength for horizontal bonding (uncured): 100g / cm\r\nInitial strength for vertical bonding (uncured): 20g / cm\r\nTensile strength fully cured: 22kg / cm\r\nShear strength fully cured: 11kg / cm\r\n\r\nWhat is included:\r\n\r\n3xCT1 PGB Power Grab n Bond TRIBRID Technology Adhesive 290ml


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