CT1 Sealant Construction Adhesive Beige 290ml (24 Pack)\r\nThe best sealant money can buy without question is the unique sealant CT1 from the creators C-Tec The Building Product Specialists. But what makes CT1 so special? Lets take a look shall we? The conventional sealants available are silicone sealants, acrylic sealants and Polyurethane sealants. The silicone sealant has more disadvantages than advantages. For example, silicone sealant cannot be applied onto a wet surface or painted over. The silicone shrinks due to high content of solvents and this sealant lacks adhesion strength. Acrylic sealant performs better in the respect that they can be painted but lack adhesion strength and are slow to cure.\r\nThe P.U. Sealant is more of an adhesive than sealant due to its dense mass. Typically this sealant is used to bond on window screens. The sealing properties of the P.U. sealant are very good but the polyurethane is slow to cure and in some situations (depending on the grade) can take up to 72 hours to cure.\r\nThis sealant is limited in application due to its mass, for example, sealing shower trays baths or windows. We at C-Tec set a mission to eliminate all the disadvantages of the conventional sealants and at the same time eliminate the need for several sealant types and to the amazement of the market we achieved this quest eight years ago.\r\nWhen we created the unique sealant and construction adhesive CT1 this was an unprecedented development in the field of sealants as it was a unique formulated compound with the backbone being a hybrid polymer. It replaces at least seven different products types as it has none of the disadvantages of conventional sealants and adhesives.\r\nFor example, CT1 sealant can be applied onto a wet surface even under water and unlike conventional silicone it can be painted or structured which is a perfect solution for repairing settlement cracks where fillers fail. It is a perfect roof repair sealant and adhesive for bonding lead to brick or felt to wood. This product is the most environmentally safe sealant you can find as it is 100% Eco-Compliant with EC1 EC1 A+ certificates, containing no petro chemicals which has enabled it to be accredited with a European food approved certificate. This incredible sealant and adhesive is extremely versatile and will expand up to 350% without break and has an incredible strength of 270 n/cm comparable to an aluminium weld. (The CT1 sealant is available in several different colours crystal clear, white, black, grey, beige, brown, oak, blue and silver).\r\nAnother incredible sealant for large areas is our Roof n Wall Seal which we developed to replace torch on felt. Roof n Wall Seal sealant is a unique formulated compound based on butyl rubbers to create a seal on galvanised, wood, felt or concrete. This sealant is very easy to apply with a trowel or roller which creates an instant seal. This unique sealant can be applied over existing felt or asbestos as soon as roof and wall seal cures it remains semi flexible to resist weather change.\r\nCT1 Areas of use:\r\n\r\nMetals (including lead)\r\nGlass\r\nMirrors\r\nWood\r\nPolystyrene\r\n\r\nCT1 Features:\r\n\r\nExcellent resistance to chemicals\r\nPrevents fungal growth\r\nUV resistant\r\nExcellent resistance to vibration\r\nFood safe conforms to ISEGA Standards\r\nWorks in wet or dry conditions\r\nPerfect for marine and boating maintenance, accident and emergency repairs\r\nCan be used in all salt-water environments\r\nOdourless\r\nDoes not shrink\r\nCan be painted\r\nContains no solvents\r\nNo isocyanates\r\nUnique flexibility\r\nEnvironmentally compliant\r\nInstant repair and bonding with fibre glass and carbon fibre materials\r\n\r\nWhat is included:\r\n\r\n24 xCT1 Sealant Construction Adhesive Beige 290ml
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