Everbuild 825 Tecnic Silicone White 380ml (Pack of 12)\r\nTheEverbuild Tecnic Silicone 825 is a low modulus, neutral cure, alcoxy, odourless silicone sealant that adheres to a wide range of both porous and non poroussurfaces without the need for priming.\r\n825WE Application:\r\n\r\nPerimeter pointing internally and externally around\r\nPVCu /wood and powder coated aluminium.\r\nSealing and as an adhesive onto PVCu, plastic trimsand components. Sealing soft metals such as lead,copper and zinc. Weather sealing and joint sealing topre-formed panels and curtain walling, glazing sealing and draught proofing. Glass to glass and glass toaluminium sealing. Parapet and roof weather sealingapplications.\r\nIdeal for precast concrete and masonry products, including brick, natural stone and terracotta\r\nSuitable as an expansion joint sealant.\r\nBedding and sealing of Insulated Glass units.\r\n\r\n825WE Features:\r\n\r\nExcellent tooling and slow skinning properties forlarge scale construction and glazing applications.\r\nExcellent adhesion – adheres to most common surfaces including glass, metals, plastics and wood(painted or unpainted), uPVC and polycarbonate.\r\nExcellent external weathering properties (over manyyears exposure).\r\nHigh viscosity non slump formula.\r\nResistant to fumed Hydrogen Peroxide and fumed\r\nFormaldehyde once fully cured\r\n\r\n825WE Specification:\r\n\r\nChemical Base: Alcoxy silicone\r\nPackaging: 380 ml cartridge\r\nShelf Life: 12 months from date of manufacture.\r\nStorage Conditions: Store in original unopened containers between +5 C and +25 C. Storageoutside these parameters may dramatically reduce shelf life.\r\nColour: White\r\nDensity: Colours: 1.33 – 1.37 g/cm3\r\nShore A Hardness: 22-32\r\nElongation at break: 200 % (ISO 8339, +23 C)\r\nMovement Capability: (ASTM C719) 35 % (ISO11600) 25 %\r\nElastic Recovery: 70 % (ISO 7389)\r\nService Temperature: -50 C to + 150 C\r\nJoint Design: Maximum joint width 50 mm, max depth 50 % of joint width;Joint widths are calculated as in BS6213:Width=(M x 100)/F + M;Where M = movement and F = movement accommodation Factor.For maximum movement accommodation, it is recommended that:1. The sealant joint depth should be no less than 5 mm.;2. Joint depth should be 5 mm for joints up to 10 mm wide.;3. Joints above 10 mm in width should be half the width in depth up to 20mm and minimum 10 mm for wider joints..Joint depth may be adjusted to the correct size using EVERBUILD JOINTBACKER ROD.\r\nYield: 3 linear metres 9 x 9 mm fillet joint (380 ml cartridge)\r\nAmbient Air: Temperature +5 C to +40 C\r\nCuring Time: mm/1 day approx 2mm/3 days approx 6;mm/7 days approx 9\r\nSkin Time: 30-45 minutes\r\n\r\nWhat is included:\r\n\r\n12xEverbuild 825 Tecnic Silicone White 380ml
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