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Everbuild EVFF7 Fix Fill Expanding Foam Filler 750ml\r\nFill and Fix Expanding Foam is a quick setting one part polyurethane foam in aerosol form. The Fill and Fix version is supplied with attachable nozzles and Gun Grade is supplied for use with our range of applicator guns. The foam expands on application to up to 50 times its original volume and expands on application by 150%. Once cured, the foam can be cut, sawn or plastered over after only an hour providing the working temperatures (can and surfaces) are between +5 to +25 C, ideally 20 C.\r\nEVFF7 Features:\r\n\r\nQuick setting – can be cut, sawn or plastered in 1 hour\r\nEconomical in use – expands up to 50 times its original volume\r\nFills irregular and broad gaps where most conventional fillers would fail\r\nPossesses insulating and sound deadening properties.\r\n\r\nEVFF7 Application:\r\nFilling:\r\n\r\nGaps around pipe entries through walls\r\nGaps around window and door frames\r\nElectrical wire chasing prior to plastering\r\nDeep joints prior to applying sealant or plaster\r\nIrregular gaps in stone^ brick^ concrete or plaster\r\n\r\nFixing:\r\n\r\nDoor frames\r\nTimber structures\r\nWindow sills and thresholds\r\nWindow frames\r\n\r\nInsulating:\r\n\r\nBehind cladding to exterior walls\r\nBehind sofit and barge boards\r\nIn automotive applications\r\n\r\nEVFF7 Specification:\r\n\r\nPackaging: 750ml aerosol\r\nShelf Life: 12 months in original containers at stated storage temperatures (Note: Elevated temperatures will reduce shelf life dramatically)\r\nStorage Conditions: Store upright between 10C and 20C. Pressurized container. Protect fromsunlight and do not expose to temperatures above 50C. Do not pierce orburn the can even after use. Store as flammable liquid.\r\n\r\nWhat is included:\r\n\r\n1 xEverbuild EVFF7 Fix Fill Expanding Foam Filler 750ml


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