Everbuild WIPEHD75 Heavy-Duty Wonder Wipes (Tub of 75) – 12 Tubs\r\nEverbuild Heavy-Duty Wonder Wipes are textured wipes which are specially formulated for the building, engineering and allied trades to clean ingrained dirt from hands, tools and surfaces. They contain lanolin and a powerful anti-bacterial additive.\r\nWIPEHD75 Application:\r\n\r\nSpecially formulated for the building, engineering andallied trades to clean ingrained dirt from hands, toolsand surfaces. EVERBUILD WONDER WIPES HeavyDuty will easily remove wet and semi-cured paints,sealants, adhesives, bitumen, polyurethanes, expanding foams, polyester fillers, epoxies, oil, grease, petroland inks.\r\n\r\nWIPEHD75 Features:\r\n\r\nUse on hands, tools and surfaces.\r\nTextured for removal of ingrained dirt.\r\nIdeal for cleaning up paint, sealant, adhesive, bitumen, expanding foam, oil, grease and much more.\r\n\r\nWIPEHD75 Specification:\r\n\r\nPackaging: 75 wipe tubs\r\nShelf Life: Use within 24 months.\r\nStorage Conditions: Store in cool dry conditions away from direct sunlight between 5 and 25C.Storage outside these parameters will significantly reduce shelf life\r\n\r\nWhat is included:\r\n\r\n12xHeavy-Duty Wonder Wipes (Tub of 75)
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